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Already know what you want to say? Let all your friends know to come and be a part of this Dominion Camp
Meeting weekend - July 5-7.
Share Pastor Rod Parsley's #DCM2024 Facebook posts with your friends!
It's almost that time!
Posted by Rod Parsley on
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Suggested Posts!
Copy and paste a post from below into your status on Facebook, X, or Instagram!
Join Pastor Rod Parsley and special guests for DOMINION CAMP MEETING – July 5-7 – at World Harvest
Church in Columbus, Ohio! #DCM2024 https://dominioncampmeeting.com
This is no ordinary event! It is a divine appointment – a God-ordained assembly of faith — designed to help
you reach new heights! Mark your calendars for DOMINION CAMP MEETING – July 5-7 – at World Harvest
Church in Columbus, Ohio. #DCM2024 https://dominioncampmeeting.com
Get ready to experience the supernatural presence of God! It all begins at DOMINION CAMP MEETING – July 5-7
– at World Harvest Church in Columbus, Ohio #DCM2024 https://dominioncampmeeting.com
Make your plans now to join us this year at DOMINION CAMP MEETING – July 5-7 – at World Harvest Church
in Columbus, Ohio. #DCM2024 https://dominioncampmeeting.com
DOMINION CAMP MEETING – this July 5-7. Host Pastor Rod Parsley will be welcomed with special guests:
Pastor Samuel Rodriguez, Bishop RJ Matthews, Real Talk Kim, Bishop Tudor Bismark and Pastor Ron Carpenter.
Also special music guests: Dr. Medina Pullings, Shana Wilson-Williams, Cycelia Matthews, Lizzie Morgan,
Overseer Myles Rutherford, Southbound and Harvest Music Live. #DCM2024 https://dominioncampmeeting.com
Mark your calendars now - don't miss America's Camp Meeting - DOMINION CAMP MEETING – this July 5-7.
Join Pastor Rod Parsley and special guests like, Pastor Samuel Rodriguez, Bishop RJ Matthews, Real Talk Kim,
Bishop Tudor Bismark, Pastor Ron Carpenter, Dr. Medina Pullings, Shana Wilson-Williams, Southbound,
Cycelia Matthews, Lizzie Morgan, and Overseer Myles Rutherford! #DCM2024 https://dominioncampmeeting.com
I am planning my summer vacation to attend DOMINION CAMP MEETING – this July 5-7! #DCM2024
Get ready for the loudest shout, the highest jump, and the greatest worship your heart has to give – God is about
to move once again in ways that are GREATER THAN YOU COULD EVER IMAGINE at DOMINION CAMP MEETING 2024, July 5-7,
at World Harvest Church in Columbus, Ohio. #DCM2024 https://dominioncampmeeting.com
Join me for Dominion Camp Meeting – July 5-7 – at World Harvest Church in Columbus, Ohio! During these three
incredible days, jam-packed with the supernatural, miracle-working outpouring of the Holy Spirit, you will experience
the presence of the King of the Ages – restoration for your spirit, soul, and body! This is not just a meeting – it is
a directive of God to meet your need, grow your faith, and stretch the limits for what you can believe – as He pours
Himself out and revitalizes every fiber of your being! #DCM2024 https://dominioncampmeeting.com
This is a divine appointment – a God-ordained assembly of faith — designed to help you reach the heights of God’s purpose
for your life, and to see your greatest challenge turn into your greatest victory! Join me for DOMINION CAMP MEETING –
July 5-7 – at World Harvest Church in Columbus, Ohio! #DCM2024 https://dominioncampmeeting.com