Resurrection Seed
Resurrection Seed

The Spirit of the Lord has spoken to me to teach you daily during the eight days before Easter, Resurrection Sunday. Click here to sign up for my 7-day email teaching series, Your Open Door – beginning Palm Sunday and leading into Easter Resurrection Morning! I want to flood your spirit with faith as you discover the miracle that was the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and what it can accomplish in your life TODAY!

Sign up for my email teaching series  

Wednesday, March 27th - Our Canaan King’s Coronation

Dear Friend,

Today is Wednesday-the halfway mark-of the holiest week of the entire year. We’re just 2 DAYS from the Good Friday Service and 4 days from Easter Resurrection Sunday morning!

I believe the Holy Spirit has a message for you that will shake your faith free and resurrect your dreams to believe Him for all He has promised you during this season. Shout with me, “There’s a change coming!”

The gospel according to John depicts Jesus’ crucifixion with a subtle symbolism that careful students of the Old Testament would immediately recognize as a coronation event:
  1. He’s ushered into the Jerusalem with a seamless tunic, on the back of a donkey - a symbol of Israel’s ancient kings (1 Samuel 10:2, 1 Kings 1:38, Zechariah 9:9, John 12:12-15)
  2. He’s given a crown, mockingly of thorns (John 19:2)
  3. He’s dressed in purple - the color of royalty - with the soldiers pretending to hail Him as King (John 19:3)
  4. He’s “lifted up” on His Cross, with a sign identifying Him as King, hoping to both humiliate Him and persuade other would-be messiahs away from such a claim (John 19:19)

But according to your bible, this moment was not a failure for Jesus. It was His victory.

The Apostle Paul wrote in Colossians 2:15, concerning Him, “having disarmed authorities and powers, He made a show of them openly, triumphing over them by the cross.” The great evangelist’s language here evokes the Roman Triumph … the lavish victory parades through the streets of Rome staged by the Senate to celebrate great military successes.

This was imagery every reader in Paul’s day would instantly recognize and understand. Whenever a Roman general conquered a new land, his triumphal return to the capital city would take the form of a procession showcasing his spoils of war to Rome’s cheering throngs. This parade usually included the shackled, vanquished enemy king in a humiliating spectacle of subjugation.

This is the image Paul invokes in explaining to the believers in Colossae what Jesus accomplished through His sacrifice and ensuing victory over Death. The spirit of the world and self-idolatry had been overcome by the perfect, self-giving love of the one and only Son of God.

In His death and resurrection, Jesus Christ made a public display of all the forces of darkness, manifesting His absolute mastery over them in a spectacular demonstration of His overwhelming authority and victory.

This is why Jesus could rightly say immediately before He returned to the Father, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth” (Matt. 28:18).
  • That means fear must bow. Christ is King.
  • That means depression must flee - Jesus has conquered.
  • That means sickness must let go … chains must be loosed - He has won!
  • Poverty must be replaced with plenty - such is the goodness and generosity of our King!
  • Weeping to rejoicing!
  • Ashes to beauty!
God has designed a way for you to step into His faithfulness and the “triumph by the cross”: By displaying your faithfulness to Him through pursuit and obedience.

As we approach Good Friday and observe the day our precious Jesus was taken to that tomb, let us not lose faith. We must remember though He went to the grave, the tomb is now empty! He has risen, as He said! Death and its darkness has been swallowed up in the light of the only begotten Son of God! And our King is about to swallow up the darkness in YOUR life as well! Hallelujah!

Be sure to send me your prayer requests and sow your Resurrection Seed offering today. I want to make sure they’re here before Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday, so I can lift them up before God and pray over them - that the victory of Christ may step through God’s open door in this appointed time for miracles!

Together, as a Breakthrough family, let's walk through the open door of victory, abundance, and answered prayer that awaits us this Easter Resurrection Season!

Yours for the harvest,

Pastor Rod Parsley

P.S. - Don’t forget this Friday is Good Friday - March 29 at 7pm ET and Easter Resurrection Sunday morning at 10am ET. If you are unable to join us in Columbus, Ohio or our great congregation in Elkhart, Indiana for these powerful services, be sure participate with us online at YouTube Live, Facebook Live, or RODPARSLEY.TV.!

Sunday, March 24th - Day 1: The Holiest Week of the Year

Monday, March 25th - Day 2: A Hero Emerges

Tuesday, March 26th - Day 3: A new location

Wednesday, March 27th - Day 4: Our Canaan King’s Coronation

Thursday, March 28th - Day 5: Three Powerful Keys

Friday, March 29th - Day 6: Important Last Words

Saturday, March 30th - Day 7: From Gloom to Glory

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