Sudan's Children and Families Desperately Need Food Aid
$50,000 Feed Sudan Matching Challenge! In the heart of South Sudan, a devastating hunger crisis is ravaging the lives of countless precious children, stripping away their innocence and their smiles.

The once vibrant hopes and dreams of these young souls are being overshadowed by the gnawing pangs of hunger, as their fragile bodies wither away. Mothers and fathers, helpless in the face of this relentless plight, watch in despair as the light fades from their children's eyes.

The future, once filled with promise, is now a bleak and uncertain void. These children, who deserve so much more, are facing unimaginable suffering and imminent peril. Without immediate help, the dreams and lives of South Sudan's children will be lost forever. Please, lend a hand and help save them from this harrowing fate.

Get Ready for Your Miracle of Restoration
God's decree knows no bounds — it transcends pain, financial worries, and every challenge. When His word resounds, time itself and every circumstance must bow in obedience.

Today, prepare for the Spirit of the Lord to reveal with resurrection power, bringing forth His purpose and plan with unwavering faithfulness.
Scholarship Opportunities to Make You a World Changer!
Valor Christian College is "The School of the Spirit" where students from all 50 states and over 30 nations have come to be equipped as vessels for the end-time revival. From housewives to businessmen and from five-fold ministry gifts to the ministry of helps we are equipping New Testament believers to make a difference in their communities for God's kingdom.

Breakthrough Moments: Request Your Free Gift!
Life is so short, just a wisp of vapor, a series of precious moments. Following in the footsteps of Pastor Rod Parsley, you can learn to live each moment of your life to its fullest … to live in BREAKTHROUGH.

This masterpiece of inspiring quotes is a gift of wisdom, insight and inspiration straight from the heart and life of Rod Parsley.

Receive Breakthrough Moments classic quotes from the life & ministry of Rod Parsley as Pastor Parsley's gift for you!

Celebrating Pastor Parsley’s Jubilee Year of Ministry!
Celebrate this Year of Jubilee with Pastor Parsley — 2024 is his 50th year of ministry, and we are believing the Holy Spirit will extend the blessings of Jubilee to you by unleashing a floodtide of blessing upon those who believe and sow in faith!

God commanded the children of Israel to celebrate the Year of Jubilee every 50 years, and the promise of blessing was astounding …

City Harvest Network
Dr. Rod Parsley invites all Ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to become a member of CITY HARVEST NETWORK and see what God can do to revitalize your ministry!

All you need to do is contact our offices at 614.382.1135 or through to connect with one of our City Harvest Network Pastors. We are ready and eager to answer your questions about what Dr. Rod Parsley and City Harvest Network can do to revitalize YOUR ministry.

Revival If Covenant Partners
Spark revival for our nation and our world!

I know God wants to pour revival out — and I believe it can happen when you join Pastor Rod Parsley as a Revival Covenant Partner.

It is critical, in these prophetic times, that we stand together to proclaim the Good News.
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