Just wanted to give a shout to the LORD! This is all connected to my previous testimony about the purchase of our new home and how God held it for us, gave it to us and provided the finances for us to get it. Well, he is still providing. Today we closed on our old house with the people that bought it, and we where expecting to have to pay anywhere between $3000-$5000 in fees and other cost. When we got to the closing, all fees and other cost where paid and taken care of by a unexpected 3rd party. In short, we walked out of the bank not owing one red cent! I GIVE GOD ALL THE GLORY!!! To me, not having to pay $5000.00, is money in my pocket that God has given us. Between the purchase of our new home and the sale of the our old home, In my book (and I know he has) God has given us $31,000.00 and I believe that HE is not done.
God provided a harvest of $26,000.00 for our seed during a prayer cloth service in 2014, HE has now provided $5000.00 harvest for our Resurrection seed in 2015. I can't wait to see what God has in store for me and my family with our next seed. IT'S IN THE BAG!
- Roger from Somerset, KY