Days of Fire
A unique season for miracles – The Day of Atonement – in the year of Jubilee – October 12

Pentecost Fire Teachings

Day 3 – The Holy Spirit empowers you

Dear Friend,

Today is the third day in our five-day Feast of Pentecost email teachings. If you haven’t read the first few days yet, you can catch up here.

I’m sure you’ll agree with me, both the Passover season and now the Pentecost season have been extremely unusual in the secular and spiritual landscape of our world.

  • Your adversary has limited knowledge of the plans of God, but he does know the seasons.
  • He is attempting to thwart a holy impartation of power with weak, flimsy, and fatal distractions.

But the key to victory is keeping a consistent, daily, ever-deepening relationship with God and His Holy Word!

We are the church of Jesus Christ. We have not been endued with power to “just survive.” We’re going to take what the enemy meant for evil and turn it for good! We’re going to thrive in the middle of this mess.

The Problem-solver is here. On the day of Pentecost, He came with power …

Acts 1:8 says: “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you.”

Wonder-working power. Miracle-working power. Power over demons. Power over depravity. Power over disease. Power over sin. Power over Satan. Power to tread upon serpents and scorpions and all the works of the enemy!

God loves you too much to leave you powerless. Receive the Holy Spirit of the Almighty and the freedom, liberty, and power He brings!

Acts 1:8 continues, “And you shall be My witnesses …”

The Holy Spirit gives you power to be a witness to the risen Christ in your world. Not to do the job of witnessing — but to become a witness.

A witness of what? A witness of anything bears testimony of something when the original thing isn’t present. A witness is not a mere retelling of facts, but a physical piece of evidence — something you can touch.

I invite you to shout out this truth: “I’m a witness of the life-giving, transforming power of the Holy Spirit!”

Above all … the apex of Christian endeavor must become to place the jewel of a soul in the crown of our Savior, that the Lamb of God slain may receive the reward of His suffering.

So as we approach Pentecost Sunday, May 28, I invite you to bring your family — and anyone who needs salvation through the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ — and be filled with a great enduement of Pentecostal power.

If you can’t attend in person, send me your prayer requests online, then set your phone alarm now to join us via , YouTube Live, Facebook Live, or RODPARSLEY.TV this Sunday morning at 10am ET.

Let’s believe God together for miracles in your life!

Yours for the harvest,

Pastor Rod Parsley

Days of Fire – Day 1 – Your appointment with power

Days of Fire – Day 2 – Wait for the promise of the Father

Days of Fire – Day 3 – The Holy Spirit empowers you

Days of Fire – Day 4 – Without the Spirit, we are powerless

Days of Fire – Day 5 – God said, “Nothing they do will be impossible for them

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