The Holiest Day on God's Calendar
Day of Atonement: God's holiest day of the year! 7 Supernatural Blessings for you!

Days of Awe Teachings

Day 3 – Enter with Boldness

Dear Friend,

Over the last several days, we've discussed our repented posture, during these anointed days, where we once again invite the Lord Jesus Christ to be crowned in every area of our hearts, reaffirming His Kingship and Lordship over every detail and intricacy of our lives. If you haven't yet seen the first two teachings, click here to catch up!

He is Lord of all! That is and must become the overwhelming message we should learn from these 10 days. Though repentance is our calling every day of the year, and though we should be quick always to seek the face of God for forgiveness, there's also a very special need in our lives for purity, for holiness - for being separate for Him!

After all, Hebrews 4:13 declares, "There is no creature that is not revealed in His sight, for all things are bare and exposed to the eyes of Him to whom we must give account."

But Thank God, this season is not only to "give account." The author of Hebrews continues in verse 16:

"Let us then come with confidence to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need."

Hallelujah! Thank you, Lord Jesus! Glory to the Lamb of God, who removes our sin like east is removed from west and through whose blood we have access to come boldly before the throne of Almighty God!

That's what I'm doing over these 10 powerful days of awe: Standing before the Lord in prayer and petition for you! Please send me your prayer needs today so I can agree with you through the Day of Atonement, the holiest day on God's celestial calendar! It's my 50th year of declaring the Gospel-my Jubilee year! I'm trusting God to pour out His Jubilee blessings upon you!

And remember to bring your Atonement Offering before the Lord in this anointed season of Tabernacles, as He instructs in Deuteronomy 16:16. As you sow your Atonement Offering into our ministry, you'll be helping me declare the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ around the world in every way I can.

Whatever you do, make sure you continue to join me in pursue God's presence. Get alone until you're not alone: The proof of desire is in the pursuit! Focus on His heart, on His Spirit. As these 10 Days of Awe continue, I believe God is going to show us His wonder! Hallelujah!

In the name of the Lord,

Pastor Rod Parsley

Days of Awe – Day 1 – Rosh Hashanah

Days of Awe – Day 2 – Divine Appointment Awaits

Days of Awe – Day 3 – Enter with Boldness

Days of Awe – Day 4 – A Holy Heart

Days of Awe – Day 5 – A Sacred Celebration

Days of Awe – Day 6 – A Call to Prepare

Days of Awe – Day 7 – Prepare for Blessing!

Days of Awe – Day 8 – The Curse is Broken!

Days of Awe – Day 9 – Be Careful to Celebrate!

Days of Awe – Day 10 – Your Divine Appointment is Here

Sow Your Atoenement Offering Now

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