The Holiest Day on God's Calendar
Day of Atonement: God's holiest day of the year! 7 Supernatural Blessings for you!

Days of Awe Teachings

Day 4 – A Holy Heart

Welcome to the fourth day of these 10 Days of Awe! If you've missed any of my teachings this week, it's not too late to catch up here! We're in a profound journey - one of reflection and renewal.

These 10 days of awe are a divinely-appointed time with great specificity - a time of introspection. It all began on Rosh Hashanah when the Feast of Trumpets announced the new year on the Hebrew Calendar. It will come to culmination on Yom Kippur - the great Day of Atonement - the holiest day of the entire year.

On that one single solitary day, the one High Priest alone was permitted access behind the veil of God's Temple into the Holy of Holies - the most holy place on Earth. The High Priest was instructed to appear before the Lord to sprinkle the blood of a spotless lamb 7 times on the mercy seat of the Ark of the Covenant to make atonement, not only for himself, but for the entire nation of Israel.

These 10 days are a holy gift, a sacred opportunity for you and me to come alone, seek the face of God, and prepare our spirits to celebrate... to commemorate... the indescribable atonement that only comes through Jesus Christ. And they lead us to our own appointment before the Lord on the Day of Atonement. These days are a specific time for you and me to pause, to examine our hearts, and to draw nearer to the Lord Jesus.

In Psalm 51:10, David cries out, "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me." Let this be our prayer during this holy season!

As we reflect on our lives, let me encourage you to consider the areas where you need God's healing touch, His strength, His renewal, His refreshing. This is an anointed moment to release the heavy burden which are weighing you down. It is an appointed time of year - this one time a year especially - for us to forgive those who have wronged us in any way and let go of anything and release everything that hinders our relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.

I believe God wants to fill us anew with His Spirit. He wants to pour grace and mercy over every one of us in a new, fresh, and greater measure!

Together, let us approach the throne of grace with confidence, knowing that King Jesus, our High Priest, has made the ultimate atonement for us. I believe with all my heart, as we seek Him earnestly, we will experience profound breakthroughs and restoration in every area of our lives: spirit, soul, and body!!

Friend, every day during these 10 Days of Awe, I am bringing you and your loved ones before the Lord and His throne of grace in prayer. If you haven't already done so, please send me your needs TODAY so I can lift you up before the Lord every day as we approach the Day of Atonement, Saturday, October 12. In my 50th year of ministry, my Jubilee, I'm believing for every Jubilee blessing to be poured into your life!

Yours for the harvest,

Pastor Rod Parsley

Days of Awe – Day 1 – Rosh Hashanah

Days of Awe – Day 2 – Divine Appointment Awaits

Days of Awe – Day 3 – Enter with Boldness

Days of Awe – Day 4 – A Holy Heart

Days of Awe – Day 5 – A Sacred Celebration

Days of Awe – Day 6 – A Call to Prepare

Days of Awe – Day 7 – Prepare for Blessing!

Days of Awe – Day 8 – The Curse is Broken!

Days of Awe – Day 9 – Be Careful to Celebrate!

Days of Awe – Day 10 – Your Divine Appointment is Here

Sow Your Atoenement Offering Now

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